Formula error on Duplicate date check

Have found this formula in previous discussions but is unparseable.

I have gone through it a couple of times and think it is down to wrongly set parentheses, or?

Slutdato=enddate, Startdato=start date. Looking to flag (double booking) if startdates or enddates overlap.

=IF(ISBLANK(Startdato@row; “”); IF(ISBLANK(Slutdato@row; “”; IF(COUNTIFS(Slutdato:Slutdato; <=Slutdato@row; Slutdato:Slutdato; >=Startdato@row) + COUNTIFS(Startdato:Startdato; >=Startdato@row; Startdato:Startdato; <=Slutdato@row) + COUNTIFS(Startdato:Startdato; <=Startdato@row; Slutdato:Slutdato; >=Startdato@row) - 3) > 0; 1; 0))

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