Delete a Sent Update Request

Sheanon Summers
edited 04/18/20 in API & Developers

Since Smartsheet doesn't have the option to resend update requests that haven't been completed, I wrote a script to pull all sent update requests, filter on pending requests, generate+send new requests, and delete the original request. The problem I'm having is that the delete update request call fails every time. It fails with an "Internal Server Error / Status Code 500" so I can't figure out exactly what's going wrong. I've made the call on several update request IDs, both through Python and HTTPS.

I have a ticket open for this issue, but haven't heard anything back and am wondering if others have had the same problem. I appreciate any input!

Best Answer

  • Sheanon Summers
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Ryan Kramer,

    I don't have a request body, for deleting sent update requests there is no request body required. However, I just figured it out while I was looking at the syntax more closely. I was issuing the Delete Update Request command, when in fact I needed to issue the Delete Sent Update Request command. I needed to delete a request that had been sent but was still pending, not a future scheduled update request. I've done a few tests and it is working now.

    I apologize for the confusion, and thank you very much for getting back to me!

