IFERROR and number / currency as value_if_error


I have the following columns in my worksheet:

In the "Bookings" column, I have the following formula:

=IFERROR(INDEX({Bookings Table Total Bookings}, MATCH(pfid@row, {Bookings Table PF}, 0)), "")

In my "Adjusted Bookings" column, I have the following formula:

=[sbe_allocation]@row * Bookings@row

However, as you can see, I get the #INVALID OPERATION message when the value_if_error returns a blank. I tried modifying the formula as follows:

=IFERROR(INDEX({Bookings Table Total Bookings}, MATCH(pfid@row, {Bookings Table PF}, 0)), "$0")

but Smartsheet treats the "$0" as text rather than a currency value. So, then I tried to enter the value_if_error as "0," but Smartsheet also treats this as text, and the #INVALID OPERATION error does not resolve.

Is there a workaround here? Like an "ISNUMBER" wrapper for the value_if_error?


Best Answer

  • Danielle Arteaga
    Danielle Arteaga ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Thanks, Andrée. I reverted back to leaving the cell blank for my value_if_error and putting the Adjusted bookings total into this formula:

    =IF(ISBLANK(Bookings@row), "", ([sbe_allocation]@row * Bookings@row))

    That seemed to work, and it's better for me to have the blanks than 0s in those cells so I can distinguish products that genuinely have $0 in bookings versus products for which we are missing bookings data.

    Thanks as always for the help!
