Calendar App - Details view of multi-select fields

Amanda G Lima
Amanda G Lima ✭✭✭✭
edited 06/14/22 in Add Ons and Integrations

Hello! On Calendar App, I'm having an issue with multi-select fields not showing up on the details view when multiple items are selected. However, when only 1 of the multi-select options is chosen, it does appear on the details view. See screenshots attached. Any ideas? My workaround for now is to include the multi-select field in the calendar block -- and the only issue there is there may be multiple selections that can make the calendar block get a little long.

Best Answer

  • Amanda G Lima
    Amanda G Lima ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    So, I received feedback from another Smartsheet employee that this was happening because I was using the same multi-select field in the calendar grouping. When I remove the field from the grouping settings, the detail view then displays all the selections.


  • Amanda G Lima
    Amanda G Lima ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    So, I received feedback from another Smartsheet employee that this was happening because I was using the same multi-select field in the calendar grouping. When I remove the field from the grouping settings, the detail view then displays all the selections.