Formula Dates vs Gantt display


Hi all,

I have an issue using function + dates + showing them in a Gantt chart. The scenario is the following:

  • I have three columns set as type Date: Contractual date, Starting date (of execution) and End date (of execution)
  • The Contractual date is filled in by a conditional hyperlink to the actual project (something like - if the status of the milestone is Complete then put the date in that cell)
  • The Starting date is also calculated with a formula. In short it is calculated like - if the Priority = x then Starting date = Contractual date + Y days
  • End date is following the same logic, depending on certain variables End date = Starting date + Days of execution

Just in cell this works great. However, when I try to visualize it in a Gantt chart, once I select the appropriate columns in the Date Range Display of the chart, all formulas disappear and are replaced just with dates.

Is there any way I can visualize this scenario?



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