Duplicate Notifications and to Everyone in the Workflow


Issue: The notifications for the CD level and RVP level are duplicating and sending to everyone in the workflow. 😬 Something is wrong with the workflows I created.

Sheet Design

Each row has someone assigned {Response Assigned to} to add the response to the {Center Responses} column. The person in the {Response Approved By} column reviews the response and eventually approves them. The status of that review is captured in the {WF Status} column. All of this happens in the orange columns.

Next, the CD reviews the approved {Center Responses}. If needed, they can request revisions from the people in the {Response Assigned to} and {Response Approved By} columns. The status of that review is captured in the {CD Status} column. This happens in the orange columns.

Last, the RVP performs the same review as the CD but is the final approver. If needed, they can request revisions from the people in the {Response Assigned to} and {Response Approved By} columns. This happens in the purple columns.

Three workflows:

(1) Director level: First in the approval process.

(2) CD level: Second in the approval process.

(3) RVP level: Third and last in the approval process.

Link to test sheet: https://app.smartsheet.com/sheets/fxw7mv4gxQ4jRhH8Frv76FJGVmMcP9RWHmh3rq81
