Incrementally increasing a number daily in a cell


I want to have a number incrementally increase by 1 each day until a checkbox is selected in another column.

There are 2 columns named:

  • Days Lost (Column type Text/Number)
  • Team Restarted (Column type Checkbox)

If I put a 1 into a cell (Row 1) in the Days Lost column, I want it to change to 2, the following day. If the checkbox is checked in the Team Restarted column of Row 1, then the number would stay as 1.

I am using Row 1 for both examples.

So in this instance, the number in the Days Lost column would change from 1 to 2 because the Team Restarted column is not checked and it is the following day. I would need the number to increase by 1 each day, until there is a checkmark in the Team Restarted column.

In this instance, the number in the Days Lost column would stay as 1 because the Team Restarted is checked.

Thanks in advance.

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