How to Back-up Sheets?

Stephanie Bauder
edited 04/05/24 in Smartsheet Basics

Is there is a backup in the cloud of our sheets? Do you have any recommendations to prevent loss of data should something happen? Should we be saving a back up daily or regularly?

Best Answers


  • Bee Ng
    Bee Ng ✭✭✭

    Hi Stephanie,

    Not sure if you found what you needed, but if you are using the standard backup option that Andrée shared, you may have discovered that it lacks certain functionality, and has some limitations. For example, the backups are all in Excel format, and you lose a lot of sheet information. Also, there is no way to schedule a recurring daily backup, etc.

    If you need more than that, then you may want to check out SmartBackup from AcuWorkflow. SmartBackup creates full-fidelity backups of your sheets, including all data, formatting, cell links, formulas, attachments, comments, forms, and automation rules, etc. This means you can easily restore any of these sheet elements, and you are not limited to when you can take backups - you can schedule daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or any frequency - and you can choose to backup all your sheets, or only recently changed sheets.

    It also includes an Archive function, and an Export function - these save copies to your local drive, but go further than the standard backup function, and also allow you to export attachments as well, etc.

    You can download the free Starter Edition to test and evaluate, or you can purchase the full Business Edition here:

    Hope this helps.



  • marc4
    marc4 ✭✭✭✭

    We use the scheduled backups but the problem is that we want them off of Smartsheet's servers and not to do things manually, so:

    I have Smartsheet automatic backups turned on for all our workspaces. I get an email each time each is backed up.  So I set up a zapier email parser (free plan) to pull out the download url and then upload it to google drive.I made a rule in outlook 365 to forward all the smartsheet download complete emails to zapier's parser.

    Now as soon as the backups are done they are transfered to Google Drive.


  • The "Enterpriseness" of Smartsheet leaves a lot to be desired. Core functionality like backup and restore and user access seem to be an afterthought and left to the individual users to administer rather than being a centralized function.

    Please integrate with something like Veeam.

  • DSelix
    edited 04/04/24

    I agree with Stacy. Seems like you are doing something like mature customer content backup based on this statement from the SmartSheet Security Practice:

    "System Availability. Smartsheet will maintain (or, with respect to systems controlled by third parties, ensure that such third parties maintain) a disaster recovery (“DR”) program designed to recover the Subscription Service’s availability following a disaster. At a minimum, such DR program will include the following elements: (a) routine validation of procedures to regularly and programmatically create retention copies of Customer Content for the purpose of recovering lost or corrupted data; (b) inventories, updated at minimum annually, that list all critical Smartsheet Information Systems; (c) annual review and update of the DR program; and (d) annual testing of the DR program designed to validate the DR procedures and recoverability of the service detailed therein."

    Can you clarify exactly what the "programmatically created retention copies" include, the frequency they are made, and how long they are retained?

    A whitepaper would be helpful.