How to show a simple List of items in a dashboard?



is it possible to create a list for all rows where "column 5" equals "management report"? This list should contain the value of "column 3" (report name) and the row-attachment. So that the list looks something like this:

Sales report 05/2022 ......... File1.pdf, File2.jpg

Tech report 05/2022 .......... FileXYZ.pdf

Some other report .............. PresentationABC.pdf

I know that this is possible with reports - however, the result should not look like a table but somewhat more fancy.

I think the dashboard functionallity is not flexible enough for this - at least I havn't figured out a way to do this.

My last option was to create a html file and use the smartsheet API. This would be a perfect solution for me if I could host the HTML file directly on smartsheet. However I ran into CORS issues. Setting up an application / server for a simple list seems overkill.

Can I do something like that with smartsheet?

Best regards,

