Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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How to calculate hours for tasks marked 100%?


In my Sheet I have a column for Task % Complete and another column for Total ETS Effort.

The Total ETS Effort column contains the number of hours associated with each task.

I'm trying to figure out a formula that would give me the total number of hours for each task that is 100% complete.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

thank you!



  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    That would be =sumif([Task % Complete]:[Task % Complete], 1,[total ETS effort]:[total ETS effort])

  • @Michael Culley incredibly helpful thank you very much. If I wanted to adjust the formula so it adds 100% complete, 50% complete, and 25% complete, how would I modify it to support that?

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    you would use .50 for 50% and .25 for 25%.

    So instead of doing =sumif([Task % Complete]:[Task % Complete], 1,[total ETS effort]:[total ETS effort])

    You would do =sumif([Task % Complete]:[Task % Complete], .50,[total ETS effort]:[total ETS effort])

    =sumif([Task % Complete]:[Task % Complete], .25,[total ETS effort]:[total ETS effort])

  • @Michael Culley sorry I wasn't very clear. I was hoping to get one formula that would add the Total ETS Effort numbers based on the % complete.

    Something that would calculate this

    Total ETS Effort Task % Complete

    10 100%

    10 50%

    10 25%

    In the example above, the total would be 17.5 (10+5+2.5)

    thank you again for helping. I'm new to this and I appreciate it

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Oh wow, how about something like this:

    =sumif([Task % Complete]:[Task % Complete], 1,[total ETS effort]:[total ETS effort]) +(sumif([Task % Complete]:[Task % Complete], .50,[total ETS effort]:[total ETS effort])/2) + (sumif([Task % Complete]:[Task % Complete], .25,[total ETS effort]:[total ETS effort])/4)

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