Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Date Expected Error or decimal return

I'm trying to return a date value based on the week number identified.

So if I have "Week One" in my training date number, I want the Date column to return 10/17/22.

I'm trying to use an IF formula to do this but keep getting #DATEEXPECTED error.

When I try to convert the column type to text/number instead, it gives me a decimal value.

The formula I'm trying to use is:

=IF([Training Week]@row = "Week One", 10 / 17 / 2022, IF([Training Week]@row = "Week Two", 10 / 24 / 22, IF([Training Week]@row = "Week Three", 10 / 31 / 22, IF([Training Week]@row = "Week Four", 11 / 7 / 22, IF([Training Week]@row = "Week Five", 11 / 14 / 22, IF([Training Week]@row = "Week Six", 11 / 21 / 22, IF([Training Week]@row = "Week Seven", 11 / 28 / 22, IF([Training Week]@row = "Week Eight", 12 / 5 / 22, IF([Training Week]@row = "Week Nine", 12 / 12 / 22)))))))))


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