Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Metric by Month


Appreciate any formula help as always!

Currently, we have several people fill out a form and on that form is an "Escalation date" which is just the day they are submitting the request.

For example, in May, we had 20 escalations submitted and the actual sheet has those 20 rows with the escalation date column being 05/01, 05/05, 05/05, 05/07, etc etc.

I want to be able to put on the dashboard a graph or metric showing that 20 escalations were input in May and then use the formula to do the same for January - September (and then future months). Any thoughts on what I could do?

Thank you!


  • Community Champion

    Hello @WesMcNally,

    My suggestion would be to create a buddy column to calculate the month for that entry (or month and year) and then you can either create a sum formula for metrics or a chart using the data.

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    Monique Odom-Stearn

    Architecture Solutions Manager

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  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 09/20/23

    You can also do this without a helper column if you would like. You would use the COUNTIF formula with the MONTH function. It would look something like the formula below, where 5 is the number representing May.

    =COUNTIF([Escalation date]:[Escalation date], MONTH(@cell) = "5")

    Please let me know if that works for you!

    Edited to add: You could do these formulas for each month in a separate metric sheet or in the Sheet Summary. You could do a chart based on the metric sheet or a Sheet Summary report, or you could use the Sheet Summary field as a metric (if you don't want a chart).

    Amber Eakin, MSLS, M.Ed.

    Adult Education Specialist | Process Improvement Enthusiast

  • Hey @Amber Eakin . Thank you for the info. I can't seem to get it to work as I would like. I keep getting Invalid data type error. I referenced the sheet and highlighted the escalation date column. Anything I am doing wrong?

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @WesMcNally - Is that "Escalation Date" column an actual "Date" column type? If it's Text/Number, you'll get that "#INVALID DATA TYPE" error message.

    Amber Eakin, MSLS, M.Ed.

    Adult Education Specialist | Process Improvement Enthusiast

  • @Amber Eakin Yes, it's an actual Date column type.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Oh good! Without actually seeing the reference, I'm not sure. The formula works for me, so the only thing I can figure is the reference.

    Amber Eakin, MSLS, M.Ed.

    Adult Education Specialist | Process Improvement Enthusiast

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