Formulas and Functions

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Pull Data from Another Sheet based on Criteria

edited 12/07/23 in Formulas and Functions


Below is my master file of projects. I've filtered to show all the values based on "Automation" in the Drop Down column. Each project is designated with a project #.

I want this sheet to function as a way to automatically carry over all the project #s from the master file to my new file (see below) based on all the projects designated as "Automation" in the Drop Down column.

For context, I tried to use INDEX MATCH based on the matching for "Automation". However, it's only capable of pulling over the first value.

Is there any way for me to achieve this task without creating a workflow?

Best Answers


  • Community Champion

    Use Smartsheet's inbuilt Automation to help you here - have the rows moved to your 2nd sheet when they are created with a workflow like this:

    Once you've run it once, you should then have the columns from the actual sheet in the new one (remove any surplus ones) and can then use INDEX MATCH on each column using the project number (if you've no duplicates) as a reference to keep the data updated.

    Hope this helps, but if you've any problems/questions then post up what they are.

  • I don't have administrative permissions on the master sheet to develop a workflow. Would it be possible to create the automation through alternative means (e.x. formulas)?

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    By formula you can do this, but you will need to add an additional Row ID column (1,2,3,4,etc.) and can then use:

    =INDEX(COLLECT({Project ID}, {Dropdown}, "Automation"), [Row ID]@row)

  • ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    This worked for me! Thank you so much.

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