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January Question of the Month 💭 Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • For me, my aspirations for 2024 are simple - be more actively engaged in everything I do. Listen actively, learn actively, connect genuinely, lead with gratitude, expect nothing, practice patience, and be empathetic, kind, but always strong with my actions and words.

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    My Focus would be give more time to SMARTSHEET :)

    Thanks & Regards


    SSPM Consultants

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    For 2024, my focus is on preparing for the next stage of my life, retirement.

    To thrive in retirement, I must find a focus for my energy. Something to replace the intensity and focus that a fulfilling career has given me. I cannot start the first day of retirement looking around for something to do and declaring my boredom.

    Suggestions please.

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    Although I'm still working on clearly define my goal and create metrics and targets, this year I'll have the opportunity to expand my scope and manage a bigger team. Some of the tangible actions I'll have to take are:

    1. Take a step back and delegate more
    2. Leverage Smartsheet and other tools to coordinate activities and check status
    3. Ensure the team has a good understanding and proficiency with Smartsheet and other tools
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    My goal personally is to continue on my health journey. In 2023, I lost 90 lbs! I ran in our local Blue Star Mothers 5k as my first 5k and finished third in my division. I then ran 2 Virtual 5ks and decreased my time. I am training for an indoor, sprint triathlon. I always wanted to do a triathlon, but I was always so out of shape!

    Professionally, my goal is to learn more about and master smartsheet dashboards!

    My word for 2024 is persistance!

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    Happy New Year! My goals for 2024 include soaking in all the knowledge I can regarding project management in my new roll with the Administrative Office of the Courts, and to become an IT project manager as I focus on bigger and more complex projects using none other than Smartsheet. I am also going to obtain my Core Training badge as I learn all things related to Smartsheet. I hope everyone has a blessed year!

  • My focus for 2024 is to get my weight below 200 pounds and stay there.

  • For 2024; it's about using Smartsheet as an energy drink, 🤣 bringing that energy to the challenges of the business and our colleagues. 😀

    For that, we will prepare 🙏with the team to be that burst of energy and integrators of reporting, automation, workflow, analytics and more.

    "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships." Michael Jordan

    Successful 2024, community.

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    One of my main goals for 2024 is to learn even more of the Smartsheet capabilities, and obtain at least one Smartsheet certification. I have learned so much already but I know I have only just scratched the surface.

    Jacque Smith

    Project Controls, MSR-FSR

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    One of my main goals in 2024 Smarthseet related is create and demonstrate more use cases in the health care and life science fields. So many great use cases and I hope to alleviate some stress and manual work from my clients. Cheers!

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    January Question of the Month 💭 Join the conversation and receive a badge

    The following quote illustrates the best, my goal for the New year 2024, because 2023 was very tough:

    “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next year’s words await another voice.”

    — T.S. Eliot, Little Gidding

    Practicing a new philosophical approach, looking at the meaning of time, the past, the present and the future. A reflection on the past short-falls and failings, the realisation that in the midst of at all, they have actually been immeasurable gains, a preparation for 2024's new voice.

    Happy New Year to you all ✨


    Salèha El D.

    Talks about #Smartsheet #productivity, #eventindustry, and #informationtechnology

    ➖Continuous improvement – for me, an ongoing desire to enhance processes, and increase productivity ➖

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    Looking forward to playing with and learning about all the exciting options with the Smartsheet gold package. Happy New Year!

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    edited 01/07/24

    Happy new year! My 2024 goal is to get Smartsheet certified ! The PPM certification!

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    My personal professional goal in 2024 is to learn more 💡set aside time to invest in my learning, whether it be a Smartsheet course, learning a new technical path, strategy development or leadership course, my goal is to make sure that I continually build my knowledge and not let that time get swallowed by the day-to-day 🚧🔥! Make my development part of my business as usual 🤩

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    My goal for 2024 is to put my mental and physical health first. I have learned to set firm boundaries and that has helped. Self-care will follow with more energy for success at work and outside of work.

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