Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Update Request Customization - descriptions and headers like a Form



  • ✭✭✭✭

    The order in which the fields appear in the Request for Update is determined by the order of the column in the sheet. I would like to be able to change the order of the Fields in the request for update, as you can in a form. At the moment I am structuring the sheet based on the form and not the way the underlying work is performed. Very frustrating.

  • Yes, I was looking for this, please build this! I have a workflow with an initial intake form with just a few fields, then once the request is approved the requestor receives an update request to provide a lot more details needed to process the request. The update request really needs logic, help text, and formatting just like a form in order to properly streamline the process and avoid confusing users - for all the same reasons a regular form offers those features! Thank you!

  • Fully agreed. Being able to apply the data controls of an existing Form to update requests for the sheet it feeds would be ideal.

  • I don't want to sound bitter, but everyone here already knows that these changes will never be made, right?

  • Any update on this request? It would make the update requests much more powerful. I would like the ability when creating an update request from an automation workflow to be able to select a Form template. Everything would be the same, but instead of the update request just opening up a link with the selected fields to update, it would open a Form that is prepopulated with the corresponding values for that row. Then when the user submits the form it will update the existing row instead of adding a new one. This will allow me to customize how the update request looks, it will allow me to add extra text and descriptions to the fields in the form and will allow me to organize the form into sections and to order the fields how I would like.

  • ✭✭✭

    +1 for this request! It would be extremely beneficial, not only to have formatting options in the update request itself, but also in the accompanying text with the update request. Right now, I'm trying to send instructions in the text for the update request, but it all gets lost in the shuffle of too much text.

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