Formulas and Functions

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Convert to Colum Formula on new duration column


Playing around with the new duration column on calculating days between two dates. I am unable to convert to column formula. I can see that you need absolute reference which I believe I had. Hoping someone could point me in the right direction, please and thank you.

If I use this formula I get the right answer =([End Date]@row - [Start Date])+1 but then can't convert.


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi K.J,

    Please use @row after Start Date as follows:

    =([End Date]@row - [Start Date]@row) + 1

    Hope it will work.

    Thank You !


    Anjanesh Vaidya

    Smartsheet Development, Ignatiuz Software

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  • ✭✭✭

    Thanks, @Anjanesh Vaidya. I had typed incorrectly above my apologies. That is the formula I already have working however the convert to formula option is greyed out.

  • Community Champion

    I am guessing you enabled dependencies to get the Duration column and then disabled them in order to edit the column? I am able to replicate the same behavior so I suppose that is as intended. It is curious that the column retains the "special" formatting when disabling dependencies.

  • ✭✭✭

    Thanks, Carson, you are right, and these are old columns from testing dependencies. Perhaps I'll test with a fresh sheet.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    It doesn't appear that the duration column supports column formulas. @K.J It doesn't work no matter what I name the column or how basic the formula I put in is, the option to convert to a column formula is unavailable.

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