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[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 seat to a Multi-Day Smartsheet University course



  • My absolute favorite course was one I took in college called "Taboo Topics". It was all about facing stigmas around certain topics like race, death, religion, sex, etc. and how we communicate about them. What made it truly great though, were the activities. Every day we would choose a topic (could be anything) and we would analyze our reactions and try to pull ourselves out of the stigma. We would answer questions like: why is this topic "off limits", why do we react this way, what makes it such a sensitive topic for different kinds of people, how does this stigma/topic relate to us and our lives? We would have really difficult conversations and try to understand and learn to be comfortable with differing opinions. It was a practice in empathy and understanding as well as facing our own biases and beliefs. If everyone one in the world could take a class like this, who knows the communal growth that would come from it. I am still close with the people from this class and that was 10 years ago!

  • I wanted to share my experience with one of the most impactful courses I’ve ever taken - The Art of Negotiation. This course was offered by SmartU, and it truly transformed the way I approach discussions, both professionally and personally.

    The course was structured around real-world scenarios, which made the learning experience incredibly practical. We were given the opportunity to engage in role-play exercises that simulated high-stakes negotiation situations. This hands-on approach not only made the classes exciting but also helped us apply the theoretical concepts we learned.

    What made this course stand out was the instructor’s expertise and teaching style. They had a wealth of experience in the field of negotiation and shared personal anecdotes that brought the subject to life. Their feedback was always constructive, encouraging us to learn from our mistakes and improve.

    One of the key takeaways from the course was understanding that negotiation is not about winning or losing, but about finding a mutually beneficial solution. This perspective shift has been invaluable in my professional development.

    I highly recommend “The Art of Negotiation” to anyone looking to improve their communication skills and gain confidence in navigating complex discussions. It’s not just a course, it’s a life-changing experience!

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    My name is Sheri, and I’m the proud owner of a consulting firm that specializes in project management for Fortune 500 companies. Five years ago, I embarked on a journey that would challenge every ounce of my perfectionism.

    I remember sitting in a drawing class, part of a course I took to break away from my rigid patterns. The assignment was simple: draw the human form. But there I was, frozen, staring at a blank sheet, paralyzed by the thought that my drawing wouldn’t be perfect.

    Then, my teacher called me out, “Sheri, you must think you’re perfect if you’re not drawing.” I was taken aback, offended even. But it hit me—I was so afraid of imperfection that I couldn’t even start.

    That moment was a turning point. It wasn’t just about drawing; it was about life. It taught me that waiting for perfection means never starting. And so, when I launched my business, I embraced the imperfections. I learned to start where I was, use what I had, and do what I could.

    Now, five years into running my own woman-owned business, I’ve learned that the beauty of starting isn’t in achieving perfection but in the growth and opportunities that come from simply beginning. So here’s to starting—imperfectly but boldly—because that’s where the real magic happens.

  • Scrum Master from Scrum Alliance. Helped me obtain my SCM and I have been using smartsheets to manage all kinds of different projects

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    My favorite course would, without a doubt, have to be Astrology. It was the first college course that truly spoke to me and piqued my interest early on. We took a field trip to the observatory one night, tucked away in the middle of nowhere and a good trip away from campus (as most places are in Nacogdoches, TX). After the class settled in and introductions were made, the instructor hit the lights, and suddenly, the sky became an EXPLOSION of stars. It was like magic unfolding before my eyes. That moment ignited a passion in me that I never knew existed – the beauty of the stars, our constellations, and the mysteries of beyond. I still think about that day and it's beauty and hope to forward on that love to my niece and nephew. 

    P.S. - That eclipse.... AMAZING! I'm right in the line of totality and it was an experience to witness these type of events.

  • Hi , My name is Rashmi Munasinghe. My favorite course I have taken was Advanced Excel during my college years. I believe that helped me a lot in practicing and understanding the function of smartsheet as well. It was an interactive session, and the facilitator did an incredible job explaining most of the advanced functions in Excel. 

  • I have never taken courses from SmartU, but I am a big admirer of the product. One of my favorite courses I have taken was Advanced Excel training. What made it great was not only the step by step instructions of the use of advanced formulas, but also the hands on approach to teaching. In addition, the handout manual, which was conforming to the course curriculum, was an excellent source to use as a reference at a later stage. 

  • NOLS Wilderness First Aid! Took this in Santa Barbara, California back in 2019 and learned how to support emergencies in the wild. It was great! Best part was crafting bandages and stretchers to carry people with anything at hand: socks, backpack straps, you name it. A great course for those who like to solo hike or trek in the wild.

  • My favorite learning experience was a storytelling course in my masters program. The professor went through great examples of storytellers (Parker & Stone of South Park) that stuck with me when building a story. The course was key in the work that I do in Sustainability as it is all about storytelling and influencing others.

  • I am currently taking a Tableau course for my data science masters. While I didn't expect to like it so much, the instruction style and versatility of the tool really speaks to me and ties the research together. I think with the right approach that smartsheet will feel this way as well.

  • My favorite course (actually more than one) was for scuba diving. It has allowed me to explore one of the many beautiful aspects of this world.

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    I'm a project manager by trade and by heart and my favorite recent course I took was the PMP Prep Course offered by Alluvionic. It was comprehensive and prepared me very well while also adding humor to the material. I'm a nerd for project management so it made my heart so happy when I passed the PMP exam on my first try thanks to this course.

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    McDonald's Hamburger University! Two weeks in Oakbrook, IL in 1990 when the class was immersive and hands-on and taught world-wide McDonald's general managers. My classroom translated the class into French and the next year I visited my new friends in Paris. I learned important lessons about my personal leadership style (and how leading a team to success is not always visible to those outside the group). The best part was personal. My boss conspired with my future husband's boss to send us together. I doubt they intended us to start dating seven years later, but they succeeded in creating a working team that collaborated for 30 years and helped both organizations to thrive.

  • A recent favorite was a point-in-time reporting course for IBM Cognos Analytics. I have often struggled building accurate point-in-time reports and not getting more than 1 record per employee in my results, and this course taught me the specific skills and tools I needed.

  • As I'm starting my journey with Smartsheets, the "Managing Your Work with Sheets - Self Paced" course was very helpful in establashing my baseline with Smartsheets. I would high recommend this course for beginners.

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