We capture many fields in the Calendar App view in addition to the ones that aren't available in the calendar view of the sheet. It would be great to integrate the exact view (with all the additional fields) into Outlook.
It would be great if we could link a calendar from the Calendar App add-on to our Microsoft Calendar in Outlook. The ability to do this in the calendar view is nice, but it doesn't provide enough information and it doesn't allow you to select what information is shown on the calendar. If there are logistical issues to this feature in the Calendar App, an alternate request is the ability to choose more than the primary column to be shown in the calendar view.
Second to this - it's very frustrating that I can see exactly what I want with the Calendar App but can't link to Outlook, while with Calendar View I can link to Outlook but can't choose what I see.
Similar idea could use your vote: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/113760/calendar-app-ics-link-for-sharing
Would love to see this happen!! We have been asking for it since the middle of 2023.
Absolutely. Yes, I would like to have an Option to move an Outlook calendar appointment, meeting, etc., to a smartsheet! Plus, I need the capability to move an appointment, meeting, etc., placed on the Smartsheet calendar or grid to my Outlook calendar. This would save our Business Development team several hours. At this time, they are entering appointments in the BD tracking system Their appointments, and entering them back into Outlook calendar.