I agree that this would be a very valuable addition to dashboards.
Has there been any update on combining different chat types on same axis?
has there been any feedback on the combo charts?
Need combo / multi-axis charts!
Stacked Bark Chart improvement suggestion. Center the values instead of at the end. Makes it really confusing to read and I know that leadership is going to ask for this as soon as they see it. To the point where I'm hesitant to show them the Dashboard.
Another vote to improve the chart functions!! If you could provide similar charting functions as found in Excel, it would avoid having to export data and create charts in a different program. Really steals the thunder from Dashboards if I have to export data to use another program.
Another example of chart improvement. Column chart option lets you see all the possible options in the legend even if the result is zero. That's great since you can then decide on the color options for the legend. However, if you select a different chart option like donut, the legend only gives you results with values. That means you have to constantly monitor the dashboard to add/modify the colors for the legend. Very confusing for end users when the colors don't match up and the smartsheet owner cannot pre-select the colors before "valued" results are shown.
In addition, I am looking to create a similar chart on a dashboard, an Action Priority Matrix with 4 quadrant X,Y axis for a scatter plot. (Ex: X=2, Y=-2). And show the X and Y axis. Portfolio Management and project prioritization related. Short on time, let me know if you need additional details. Here's a link to an example: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=tqzd1zna&id=EE8DF8914501C8F9EE3CCCE1E04C0489D918066D&thid=OIP.tqzd1znatgdQmZ8Vt9F5PwAAAA&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi0.wp.com%2Ffourweekmba.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F11%2Faction-priority-matrix.png%3Fresize%3D1024%252C772%26ssl%3D1&cdnurl=https%3A%2F%2Fth.bing.com%2Fth%2Fid%2FR.b6acddd739dab60750999f15b7d1793f%3Frik%3DbQYY2YkETODhzA%26pid%3DImgRaw%26r%3D0&exph=357&expw=474&q=4+quadrant+project+matrix&simid=607989042775213864&form=IRPRST&ck=092DF4C98824106346D88F513B2A6581&selectedindex=0&itb=0&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0&vt=0&pivotparams=insightsToken%3Dccid_67KJQ6le*cp_A7A0DCD85B0FD7A54FE1D6355EDC22CC*mid_471F943B57B5D45EEB350279F044991403EBCABC*simid_607996988456002332*thid_OIP.67KJQ6leIStTHU136eFEggAAAA&sim=11&iss=VSI&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0
What is the status of SmartSheet developing Combo charts? According to ChatGPT it is not supported directly from a Report but possible from a Sheet... however I have not been able to get that to work. For a work around, do you link an Excel sheet to the SmartSheet data, make the Combo chart, then import the Combo chart on your dashboard?
Badly need a secondary axis for the charts, this is one of the things preventing us from fully utilizing SmartSheet for analysis as it's hard to present without this.
Agree this is crucial to being able to provide analytics.
It would be very useful to have combo charts with the ability to have a secondary axis. Without it I have to maintain both Smartsheet charts and Excel charts.
I agree! Having the ability to present datapoints in this method would be incredibly helpful on dashboards.
Guess I'll just throw my name onto the list. Trying to move from Microsoft Excel to SmartSheet for many things, but my first efforts just ran right into this sink hole. It's going to be hard to explain to senior management why our shiny new tools have to export all data to excel to be able to visualize it. Does anyone at SmartSheet actually read these requests??
I fail to see how Smartsheet can continually blatantly ignore this request for OVER two years.
Am I missing something? Where is the official line from them? @Genevieve P. I see you commented back in 2021 !!!! As an employee of Smartsheet I hope you can help???? I am sorry if this comes across as very direct but this is obviously causing many people much work and hours of workarounds.
Please can you share where we are with it? Is it in the roadmap? If so, when for? etc. etc.
(It is a barrier for greater adoption in our company, as I'm loathed to promote it when functionality is lacking and I cannot provide decent management reports. I have to export to Excel!!!!)
Please add combo charts as an option in dashboards.