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Conditional Formatting on Sheet and Row Level



  • Jamie Koch
    Jamie Koch ✭✭✭
    edited 07/24/24

    Boosting this idea! I know Smartsheet is more column-based than Excel, but I think this would be a helpful feature.

  • Sylvia Kay
    Sylvia Kay ✭✭✭✭✭

    As a user I would like to apply conditional formatting across my entire sheet (or multiple columns), without having to duplicate the condition for each single column.

    Example: Whenever Smartsheet finds the term "Fail" in the table, I would like the font color to be red.

    I also would like to be able to determine if I want to carry over this formatting into the reports from the sheet.

    Thank you, Sylvia Kay




    M: 404-664- 1025 | SYLVIA.KAY@AMEXGBT.COM


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  • I am also commenting to "boost the bejezus out of this idea" as @Paula Grahame put it. This is a much needed enhancement that has been discussed for years. Thanks!

  • Lauren Kleitz
    Lauren Kleitz ✭✭✭✭

    +1 to everything here! Applying a set of rules across multiple columns of data would be so time saving and make my conditional formatting windows less cluttered.

    I would also love to be able to apply conditional formatting to values in the Sheet Summary area so that color coding appears in Sheet Summary Reports.

  • I fully agree that the above request would make life alot simpler.

    I would also love to see the ability to copy a full set of conditional formatting rules from one sheet to another. Ie I have 30 client sheets which all have very similar logic and every time a formatting change is made it is a nightmare updating it across the multiple sheets.

  • Paula Grahame
    Paula Grahame ✭✭✭✭

    I have commented more times on this post than any other Community post/suggestion.
    When I saw this update today - my brain almost exploded.

    I volunteer to be a guinea pig, test subject, collaborator, partner, coffee runner to anyone at Smartsheet willing to get this moving and shaking!

  • Michelle Choate 2
    Michelle Choate 2 ✭✭✭✭✭

    It becomes so frustrating formatting a sheet with 200 columns with Yes/No as the options, and wanting to turn the cell red if it is No and Green if it is Yes. That takes 400 conditional formatting rules. It is beyond frustrating to not be able to do that with a full sheet rule.