Formulas and Functions

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Trying to avoid a circular argument problem

I have an automation that looks for today's date under [Next Run Date]. If its today, the automation does its thing. Once the Run is complete, I now need the Last Run Date to be today's date so it pushes the [Next Run Date] into a future date.

The [Next Run Date] is determined by adding the date under [Last Run Date] and [Interval Days]. So it looks like this

See image attached

*[Next Run Date] is set to WORKDAYS. that's why the dates are not exactly 7 or 14 days apart.

How can I get the Last Run Days to update to the date that appears under [Next Run Date]

Does anyone have any creative solutions?
Spoiler alert Chatgpt just gave up trying. LOL!


Projects Delivered. Data Defended.

Best Answers

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Can you use "Record a Date" to do this? So when the automation you currently have set runs, it checks a box or whatever, and then whenever that box is checked then it records a date in the "Last Run Date" column. Then, 24 hours after last run date, the checkbox gets cleared through a "Clear a Cell" automation or similar?

    Michelle Choate

    Always happy to walk through any project you need help with! Book time with me here:

  • ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Winna, Winna, Chicken Dinna! That worked. ….So I'll spell it out so maybe someone else can gain.

    Start with building two helper columns "Run Completed" which is a Checkbox field and "24 Hours Have Past". In the 24hrs have past column populate with =IF(TODAY() > [Next Run Date]@row, "Yes", "No").

    In the Trigger Date column, populate with =IF([Next Run Date]@row = TODAY(), "Run", "")
    Trigger: When rows are added or changed ⇒ When Tigger Date changes to Run
    Condition: When Trigger Date is equal to Run
    Action: Copy rows
    2nd Action: Change cell value in: Run Completed to Checked

    Setup this new automation: "Record a Date"
    Trigger: When the "Run Completed" column is equal to checked.

    • Action: Use the "Record a Date" Record a date in [Last Run Date].
      (this does the actual update in the Record a Date column)

      Last Automation:
    • Trigger: When rows are added or changed. When "24 Hours Have Past changes to "Yes".
    • Action: Change cell value in Run Completed to Unchecked.

      Thanks Michelle (Again) :-)

    Projects Delivered. Data Defended.


  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Can you use "Record a Date" to do this? So when the automation you currently have set runs, it checks a box or whatever, and then whenever that box is checked then it records a date in the "Last Run Date" column. Then, 24 hours after last run date, the checkbox gets cleared through a "Clear a Cell" automation or similar?

    Michelle Choate

    Always happy to walk through any project you need help with! Book time with me here:

  • ✭✭✭✭

    Hey friend! Let me give it a try.

    Projects Delivered. Data Defended.

  • ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Winna, Winna, Chicken Dinna! That worked. ….So I'll spell it out so maybe someone else can gain.

    Start with building two helper columns "Run Completed" which is a Checkbox field and "24 Hours Have Past". In the 24hrs have past column populate with =IF(TODAY() > [Next Run Date]@row, "Yes", "No").

    In the Trigger Date column, populate with =IF([Next Run Date]@row = TODAY(), "Run", "")
    Trigger: When rows are added or changed ⇒ When Tigger Date changes to Run
    Condition: When Trigger Date is equal to Run
    Action: Copy rows
    2nd Action: Change cell value in: Run Completed to Checked

    Setup this new automation: "Record a Date"
    Trigger: When the "Run Completed" column is equal to checked.

    • Action: Use the "Record a Date" Record a date in [Last Run Date].
      (this does the actual update in the Record a Date column)

      Last Automation:
    • Trigger: When rows are added or changed. When "24 Hours Have Past changes to "Yes".
    • Action: Change cell value in Run Completed to Unchecked.

      Thanks Michelle (Again) :-)

    Projects Delivered. Data Defended.

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