Formulas and Functions

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Count distinct values in a column if it falls within a date range

edited 12/13/24 in Formulas and Functions

I am trying to run a formula in one sheet (let's call it sheet 1) to return a count of distinct values in an entire column of a different sheet (sheet 2) only if the corresponding date (also in sheet 2) falls within a date range.

Sheet 1: Column [Site Receiving Transfer] is the column I would like to count the distinct values from. Column [Date Shipped] contains the dates I want to check against the date range criteria.

Sheet 2: Column [Count of sites] is where the formula will go. Columns [Start Date] and [End date] are what I want to use as the beginning and ending of my date range for the date filter. I'd prefer to reference these cells so that I can easily update the beginning and ending of my date range later without updating the formula.

I know a countif(distinct formula is probably where I would start but can't figure out the rest.

FYI the actual names of the sheets are as follows:

Sheet 1: Outbound Shipments from Depot

Sheet 2: Sites Requesting Materials - YTD


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