Right Alignment of the text at the top of the column
Hi in Hebrew we right from right to left therefore, we need to have the text Right Aligned rather than Left Aligned at the top of the column(header-column description) and it can't be done today thanks Yuval
Enable AI Tools in Dashboards - Add AI generated charts/data to existing or new dashboards
Hello, with the new AI tools, it is nice to be able to have a chart or number displayed/downloaded but it would be even better if we could have this added to an existing or use when creating a new dashboard.
Make the share window adjustable
We use groups with fairly long names, and with the size of the share window we are unable to see the end of the group name, which is the distinguishing part. We now have groups that exceed the size to be able to display the group, so we cannot open it to see the full name. If we could change the size of the "Share sheet"…