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Please let Smartsheet work with time



  • Hey @jappleii

    Can you provide more details for what you're looking to do? The Time Function can reference one Text/Number time cell and add hours on to that time to display a different timezone in another column, if that's what you're looking for?

    Keep in mind the System Date columns (Created and Modified) will display time based on the user's timezone set in their Personal Settings, if that helps.

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  • Alan P.
    Alan P. ✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/31/25

    I noticed recently that the Time function has been added, it is greatly appreciated. However, with this new function it would be nice to have more robust support around it. I would love to see a new column format dedicated to time (kind of like the Date column). With that, allow a user on a form to select time from a clock popup similar to choosing a date. I know this can be done manually, but requires an entry from the user, and a separate column to pick up the input and convert it to time. It also depends on the user understanding how to enter the desired time.

    Some of the options for the format could be created like you can in excel, for example

  • kjones3
    kjones3 ✭✭

    I agree with these posts - Smartsheet is already calculating time in hours for duration - seems to me that would be the tough part of coding! Now you just need to display it. I would vote for formatting the Date columns to include hours and minutes so that you can see the time a task is scheduled to start and end.

  • kfarrell
    kfarrell ✭✭✭
    edited 01/31/25

    As an organization that primarily uses Smartsheet to coordinate the scheduling of external training sessions (> 15000 participants this fiscal year), the ability to use the Calendar view as an ACTUAL calendar would be incredibly helpful.

    Project Coordinator

  • SteCoxy
    SteCoxy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    the ability to track time/duration in a HH:MM:SS format would be so handy for a lot of media organisations for things like slate management, production management, scheduling etc.

  • Gavin Seaton
    Gavin Seaton ✭✭✭✭

    Another vote for a Time Column - Would take Smartsheet to the next level. Timesheets, Sign in / Out registers etc.

  • @Genevieve P. I apologize, I had a new member enter my family and lost track of everything.

    So, this seems to link to the documentation that the SmartSheets system currently seems to save the timesheet's timezone as whatever user last saved the sheet (which is what I found in the SmartSheet documentation). So, let me give you a very realistic hypothetical for my team:


    We have an event in Vietnam in 2 months, for which we're planning to run backend setup and operations. Our PM's are in Australia, Egypt, and Texas and all 3 are working to coordinate this project with support teams in each region.

    For 4 timeslots each day, we will be running 4 rooms of labs per timeslot, for each day. This equals 16 separate setup, run, teardown tasks per day. Our operations teams are in Australia, India, Austria, Portugal, Iowa, and Utah - round the clock, and each team has work to do, and sometimes they need to cover for one another.

    In our planning, we have setup, run, and teardown tasks that will be planned according to Vietnam's timezone due to the event, but each PM is coordinating a separate stream of work that applies to when setup needs to run for each room and the organizer/speaker in that room, and assigning it to the operation team that has that task land during their business-day, and how early thethe speaker/organizer(s) need to run through prep on their environment(s) based on what they are doing, and that work needs to be coordinated across.

    Onsite at the event we will have a single coordinator PM who will then make sure the tasks that need execution are executed on that specific time and will be running early/late calls with each operations team to ensure setup/teardown are completed on-time according to the needs.

    So, that's the use-case.


    What do I need in order to realistically use SmartSheets for this?

    1. I need to be able to force a Gantt chart to always use the Timezone of the event for the specifc calculations of time - else the teams in each timezone will not know when their task begins and ends - and we need somewhere we can see that to confirm that all tasks are in Event-localtime, and are thus showing up correctly for the Ops teams in their local time.
    2. I need to be able to make sure each Operations team in our FTS setup can see what time each task occurs in their specific timezone as well as localtime.
    3. I then need to be able to provide the full Critical path to the event team for the site to ensure that they also know what we need, when, and where, in order to make the event successful.

    At this point in time, I can't use Smartsheet for that, so we're back to Google Spreadsheets again.

    Does this help explain what I'm requesting?

  • Joe Goetschel
    Joe Goetschel Community Champion

    @jappleii The user's location is easy since that is tied to their personal settings and picking the correct Time zone. This will adjust all system times for that user (Last modified and created dates and times)

    As for documenting additional time in a cell, you can do this with Bridge. I had a solution where we needed to capture the exact time due to SLA agreements for response times etc. Basically Location 1 = Time zone 1 and Location 2 = Time zone 2 and so on.

    Here is some info on bridge Hope this helps! Let me know if you would like to get on a call to discuss more.

    Joe Goetschel | Associate Director, Smartsheet

    CrossCountry Consulting - Smartsheet Partner

    Email me!

    "The only real limitation of Smartsheet is the level of effort required to achieve your goal."

  • Hi, @Joe Goetschel,

    I took a look at Bridge - but it's far beyond what I need. According to the SmartSheet documentation I read, the Smartsheet document itself adjusts to match the Timezone of the last EDITOR of the sheet. Which means our PM's in APAC, EMEA, and NA will constantly nuke the intended timezone. That's not going to work.

    All I really need is the ability to set a Timezone, with a variable or function that lets me adjust the time to the user's local timezone. And I can't do that currently - I've tested the existing system with my teammates in Australia, India, Europe, US East/Central/West, and Canada, and the systems doesn't handle it because of the current limitations.

    Thus why I'm back to spreadsheets again instead of SmartSheets. :(

  • Joe Goetschel
    Joe Goetschel Community Champion

    @jappleii I had an idea and I have validated it works.

    You get a baseline time column that will house the current time ( any zone you want) I used Zapier to do this.

    You then use the Time Function to set other columns to translate the time to whatever you choose.

    Now that you have the time zones, you can live in reports and only choose the timezone you wish etc.

    Let me know if you would like help setting this up, my email is below!

    Joe Goetschel | Associate Director, Smartsheet

    CrossCountry Consulting - Smartsheet Partner

    Email me!

    "The only real limitation of Smartsheet is the level of effort required to achieve your goal."

  • Similar to how there is a date column format, there should also be a time column format. Currently there isn't, so my organization uses a text type column, which leads to huge data quality problems. Some people enter military times, some don't, some include PM in their times, some use pm in their times, and with it being a text column there is no way to set up validations around that.

  • Not sure if this has been added to this field. I utilize smartsheet as an ATS since I am the Senior Recruiter for my company. I input into my sheet the date that I am talking with my candidates, but it would be nice if I could build an automation that would take a date and time from a row, then create a calendar event for Outlook and include attachments from that same row. Would cut down on a decent amount of time for me and prevent from having to jump back and forth between applications.

  • Joe Goetschel
    Joe Goetschel Community Champion

    @jacobrice14 You can use Zapier to create events in Outlook for you when a new row is added. The attachments I know you can go from Outlook to Smartsheet, I would have to validate the other direction.

    Joe Goetschel | Associate Director, Smartsheet

    CrossCountry Consulting - Smartsheet Partner

    Email me!

    "The only real limitation of Smartsheet is the level of effort required to achieve your goal."

  • Jessica Watson
    edited 01/31/25

    I completely agree with this!

  • Cathy Salscheider
    Cathy Salscheider ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/31/25

    We were looking at using SS for a problem tracking/ticketing solution for our helpdesk, where tickets are submitted by end users and then managed within the solution. But they need to be able to track how long in minutes the ticket is open and escalate based on length of time the ticket has been unresolved. And to be used in reports to ensure that the helpdesk team is meeting the SLA for turnaround times.
    This is the one issue blocking us developing ticketing solutions within SS