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Formula DATE & IF

Kathy Rogers
Kathy Rogers ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I have a sheet that I use for accounts. I have a column for Invoice Date, a column for Due Date and a column for Status.

I would like a formula for the status column to read "due in X days" ( a countdown of sorts) if invoice and due date same, read "Today" and once the due date is in the past, I would like the status to change to "Overdue". 

I can calculate the number of days with a simple formula =([DueDate] -[Invoice Date]) but apart from giving me a number, I can't seem to get the correct, IF formula to suit my preferred view.

I seem to struggle with combining formulas. I'd appreciate some assistance with this.







  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I think you are missing a comma in your question.

    Does an Invoice Date entry signify the completion of the task?

    Invoice Date empty:

    Due Date in the past = "Overdue"

    Due Date today = "Today"

    Due Date in the future = "due in X Days" (where X is variable)

    Invoice Date not empty: 


    But this does not match your attempted formula of =([DueDate] -[Invoice Date])

    So I am not sure what the exact spec is.




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