Archived 2015 Posts

Archived 2015 Posts

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Revert to old version of a sheet?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Is it possible to revert back to an earlier version of the sheet? Accidentally saved it and can't undo changes. Lost a bunch of rows.




  • ✭✭

    I also need help with this. Please advise. 

  • Employee

    Hi SamN and Brooke! Do either of you back up you sheets? If so, you can copy and paste the deleted data from your backup, to your sheets. If you do not backup your data, I would recommend you start - here is information on backing up your data:


    It may be possible the Support team can email the owner of the sheet a checkpoint of the sheet from before the data was deleted. Email with the sheet name and approximate time/date when you need the checkpoint from. 

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    +1 vote for True backups.

    There is, however, a workaround for this that is rather simple.  If you create and save a copy of the sheet that you are wanting to backup somewhere in your SS folders, then you have in essence made a backup of your sheet that is very easy to restore.  Unfortunately this eats into your total sheet count, but as far as I have found it is the closest to a REAL backup that you can get in SS.

  • Count my vote as well for a real backup.

    Not sure if something changed in that area but the current method of manually saving a backup will not work when there are daily on going changes.

    Also tried saving a backup and then import the excel file but i don't see the comments and attachments back on the rows.

    I think that it is an important thing to be able to have backups and be able to restore data from specific date.

    I mean the changes are already being managed and can be seen in the activity log, so why not restoring at once to all latest changes of a specific date?

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