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Feature Request: Complete Update Request from within SS, or Refresh UR, or Edit UR

Brad Jones
Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts


I send out dozens of update requests daily to people and yes some of them slip through the cracks.  This is natural, as many people (myself included) set up filters for their incoming mail and don't always see them in a timely manner.  As such, if I tell people to go through Smartsheet and check for their open update requests, that's not the end of it.  They have to go through their old email and try to find that one.  If they've lost the email, I have to basically duplicate the UR and delete the old one manually.


It would be great if the users could log into Smartsheet and close their UR just by clicking on it within Smartsheet.



This problem could also be solved if I could just "refresh" an UR and the system send them a new one.  Rather than manually copying over all the info from the old one into a new one.


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