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Gantt Chart has some lines that are all gray

Brent Hetland
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



I am using a fairly simple Gantt chart. it has 15 task rows in it. All tasks contain a Start and Due Date.

The only indentation I'm using, is that I've got a "Project Launch and End Dates" row as my first row, and I've got all 15 rows under that, indented.


The first 6 rows of the Gantt chart look normal. I see the "calendar-like grid " with cells for the days of the week in each row.



Starting with the 7th row, the Gantt chart rows are all grey and they have no cells for the days of the week. When I compare these tasks in the table to the first 6 tasks (those tasks relate to the gantt chart rows that look correct), I don't see any difference. Again, all tasks contain the same type of data.


I've search the community and support and help and don't find out what I've done wrong.


Any ideas on what might be causing this?






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