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Hierarchical List - display and behaviour query

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts


I want to put this in Smartsheet and use the expand and collapse capability. However to get the indented list I need the name and number in the primary data column in SS. That is fine but when I export back to excel I will then not be able to know the 'parent' of an item or its level. The simplest thing would be to do as I have in excel and use separate columns for the names and use the primary data column to hold the numeric Id; however SS, unlike Excel, won't (I think) allow the contents of a cell to spill across an adjacent cell even if it is empty .


Can anyone think of a way I can acheive what I want, these are the important things:

  1. a hierarchy list
  2. parent is identifiable
  3. indented
  4. names entirely visible
  5. expand & collaspe
  6. exportable to excel - with parent & level characteristics that can be interrogated and manipulated


If it were only me I would be able to use just SS but I have to supply to others in the business in a form where they can extract the information.


Thank you................................ liz



  • JohnHinkle
    JohnHinkle ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/25/16

    Why dont you use the built in grouping feature in Excel, rather than creating your own system using columns?


    When you export a sheet from Smartsheet that has hierarchies, Excel will automatically use the built in grouping tool. Like this:


    Screen Shot 2016-05-25 at 9.23.13 AM.png

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