How do I create an IF formula with checkbox?

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Hi there! 

I'm trying to create a formula using a checkbox and I'm really struggling. Using the parameters below, can anyone help me with the formula?

Column 1 = Australian states/jurisdictions (SA, WA, etc)

Column 2 = Complete column with checkbox

PROBLEM: If Column 2 is checked in Row 1, I want Column 1 in Row 2 to automatically populate with 'SA' 

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! 





  • PeterG
    edited 05/18/18

    Try puting the formula below in Row 2 Column 1, Where Column 2 = Complete and is a status box. 


    FYI - A checked status box has a value of 1 and unchecked status box has a value of 0 when calculating values in IF statements

    =IF(Complete1 = 1, "SA", " ")




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