Report - Share Access

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I would like to be able to run a report on the Share Access on all Smartsheets that I own & as well as on Smartsheets for which I am an admin. (e.g. SS name, user name, share permission)

I understand this is possible but only by requesting a 'Sheet Access Report' from the System Administrator (  Being that our System Administrator is a Sr. VP & Managing Dir of Ops, I would prefer to not have to ask to do this for me, especially as I would like to run it on a recurring basis.

Are there any intentions of making this report available within the Report Builder so an owner / admin can run this query for themselves?

Or is there another way anyone has discovered on how to report on this info?!


  • Alejandra
    Alejandra Employee
    edited 05/20/19


    It's not currently possible to build a Report that displays sheets you own or your sharing access on sheets that you're shared too. However, under Home > More, you have the option to view items owned by you and items shared to you.

    Note that the "Shared to me" option will display your sharing status at a glance, but not your sharing permission. To see you're sharing permission for each item, you'd want to open the item and then open the sharing window.

    When you have a moment, please submit a Product Enhancement Request, to let our Product team know you would like to have this functionality within Smartsheet.