Summarise Tasks into single cell

Daniel Murtagh
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Hi there Smartsheet Community!

I have been a smartsheet user for a few years now but this is my first post with the community (so i'll try my very best to describe my issue)

I use two different sheets for planning in my company, which is currently manually updated. I am hoping to link these sheets together so that imformation can be consistent across the two.

The first is a sheet called 'Simple Planner' which is essentially a day-by day summary of key activity. There is only one cell per day, with a single day per row.

Example here: Simple Planner

The second is called 'Project Milestone Tracking' which is a detailed list of project milestones across multiple days/dates etc. This document is most commonly viewed as a gantt chart.

Example here: Project Milestone Tracking

I would like for tasks for a particular date contained within the Project Milestone Tracking sheet to be displayed in a cell corresponding to the same date on the Simple Planner sheet. Each task would be given a new line in the cell.

Example here: Tasks per line

I essentially want to replicate the sheet Calendar View feature, where it displays tasks in a day view, but I would like to do this with the format of my particular sheet so that it is easy for my team to digest.

Is there a way to make this possible?

Thank you in advance.

Tasks Per Line.png

Simple Planner.png

Project Milestone Tracking.png


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