Sometimes a job has many different types of documentation, it would be nice to not have everything all jumbled together just because it pertains to the same row (job). Organization within each Rows at…
We're moving to the new and "better" User Subscription Model soon. Because free users will no longer be able to modify data in cells, we're trying to create Dynamic Views for all our City's Workspaces…
I'm trying to create a formula that gives me the value of the first row in the same column. [Find This Value]. There are a few obstacles: The formula is placed in the same column, BELOW value we're tr…
Currently we have a form that adds rows and "dealers" onto a program. I have been having issues finding a way to make that form or a separate form have a way to allow a drop down of the enrolled "deal…
Hi SmartSheet, Did a release happen recently that expanded the number of rows allowed in a sheet past the 20,000 limit? If so, what is the new limit? Is there a communication that went out about it? I…
I'm determining how long a person has been parked based on the parking lot zone number and the amount of money paid. I have a separate reference sheet that lays out the zone numbers, location names, a…
In a project with multiple date columns that function as due dates, you can set up row reminders that correspond to those due date columns. This is in addition to setting up Automated Workflows that c…