I have a dedicated column "days to go" I'm trying to get the formula to take the networkdays between today and the start date (accounting for dates in the "holiday helper" column. This formula works b…
How does it work to minus a number of days from a date cell using networkdays? One column is a Due Date that I would like to populate based on a set date that will be static in [Due Date]9 cell I put …
I've tried to review this older post (among others) to see if I could figure out why my formula was not working. But was unable to sort out why. Trying to SUM a budget column if the Priority column do…
helper column =IF([Deploy Date]@row = [Deploy Date]29, 1, 0) Works fine. If the date in the row equals the date in row 29 - returns 1 However i'd like it to search within a range of dates and i'm clea…
=SUMIF([Assigned To]:[Assigned To], =[Assigned To]@row, [Hours Testing]:[Hours Testing]) Works great, if the "assigned to" is only a single person. When there is more than one contact in the cell, it …
Formula>> =SUMIF([Assigned To]:[Assigned To], [Assigned To]@row, [Hours Testing]:[Hours Testing]) Formula works if only on a single row. eg will produce the sum 3 next to "Armida" When i copy the form…
I have a simple formula, i can't seem to get working. reads - invalid data type In the sheet summary i want it to count the task status, (Red, Yellow, ...so forth) When i put in specific range ie [Tas…