Re: Cross-Sheet Dependencies
You can use cell links for this. Cell link the Start Date of task on your dependent project schedule to the End Date of a task on the predecessor project sheet. Not arguing that Predecessors cross-sh…3 · -
Re: Add a "Strict" Option to Auto Number Columns
Yes! This is frustrating and confusing. Agree with Sam that we need an option though. Sometimes you need the original autonumber to copy, sometimes you want it to override. What would also help is be…3 · -
Re: Form attachment receiving error
You have to attach the file directly and not through a link. You'll get that error if someone attaches a file via a shared drive. For example, here we use Google Drive. Google Drive appears in our Wi…1 · -
Combine emails into a multiple-contact column / multi-contact column
Multiple-contact columns can be problematic to use in Smartsheet. Namely, they cannot be "put together" with a formula. There's many use cases where you need to build multiple contacts into…16 · -
Re: SUM of Changes in Project Cost/Schedule as Absolute Value
ABS cannot take a range of values, just a single value. So you need to do a sum first and then do the ABS of the sum. Or if you need to sum the absolute values, create a helper column formula for the…1 ·