Re: Display sheet name/link on form
Could you, for now anyway, set an internal standard that a generic Header/Description element be added to the bottom of each form, with the sheet name and/or link be placed in the Description (and th…2 · -
Re: Saving a "Form" for later use without submitting as of yet
Check out whether this workaround might have potential to meet your need. Agreed it would be ideal if Smartsheet were to create a native solution for us, but in the meantime—although very slightly cu…2 · -
Re: [UPDATED] Community Reward Program 🏆
Thanks for following up, @Arsineh. I now see that the stars are gray rather than yellow. The announcement implied they'd be yellow, and seeing 6 gray stars by my name I assumed I still had to watch t…2 · -
Re: Assigning an auto-number
It's unclear whether you want the unique ID to be in (and from) Sheet A (where form results are collected) or only in Sheet B (where certain rows have been copied over). If the former, create a new c…1 · -
Re: Automatically Sort Rows in Sheets
I've never understood the rationale for sorting in Card view, then looking at the Sheet and finding the row positions unchanged. The disconnect between the views is annoying to me. Card view is great…4 ·