Re: Control Center
Hi swaldon2! Good question! I agree that the screenshot indicates that it might only be for hiding columns, but actually, it's just a True/False checkbox referring to the state of the column. If it i…1 · -
Re: Embeding forms into a dashboard that is part of a Control Center Template Folder
Hi Pedro, Nice to see you again (we met at Engage). When embedding the form using it's link, there isn't currently a way to have the Dashboard create a new link to use through Control Center. When th…1 · -
Re: NEW Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge 🏅
Assuming I can't find the original owner of that $20, I initially thought about helping someone in my local area who I know to be homeless at least get a meal. Then I realized that the $20 would go m…8 · -
Re: Control Center
Hi Kelly, Thanks for reaching out. You can hide or un-hide existing columns via a Global Update: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2476706-smartsheet-control-center-make-global-updates. You'll wan…2 ·