Re: Formula to tally revenue from columns in reference
Hi @amy_ilearning, On your source sheet Month column, what format are the months? Are they text or dates? If Dates: You are going to need to convert your Month names on both your source & metric …1 · -
Re: NEW Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge 🏅
I'd give my kid the $20 and tell them to find someone without a lunch each day at school, buy them lunch and share a meal together.1 · -
Re: Networkdays Formula showing -2 days.
@Austin Gillitzer I can't recreate the miscalculation, but try wrapping the [Creation Date]@row in a DATEONLY() like pictured below: =IFERROR(NETWORKDAYS(DATEONLY([Creation Date]@row), [Approval Date…1 · -
Re: All cell values if not same throws an error.
@Gaurav Chauhan The parenthesis is missing for your AND() statement. Try: =IF(AND(Count3 = Sum3, Sum3 = Total3, Total3 = Product12), 1, 0)1 · -
Re: COUNTIF Formula
Miranda, When doing a COUNTIF formula you do not need to put the = sign in the criterion section. Also, unless your range needs to end at row 636 I would adjust the range to include the entire column…1 ·