Re: Date AND Time format
Wayne, The Date Column in smartsheet is date only format. The Created Field and the Modified fields in the Sysyem Field are the only Time and date fields and they are not editable. To achieve this yo…1 · -
Re: How to avoid receiving confirmation emails after every update
Please submit an Update Request to have this an option in the Advanced setting of the Request approval and or other Actions. You will find the link to the right of the community page. The more people…1 · -
Re: Past Due Reporting
Create a Flag field that is calculated to turn Red if the Completed d ate is greater than the Due date. Reprort on the Flag being Red2 · -
Re: How do I autofill a formula to new rows that will be added via a web form?
Kennedy, Please can you either get your help article updated to say that when adding a row to the bottom of a sheet that is using Hierarchy’s, and the preceding 2 or more rows are child rows; it will…2 · -
Re: Drop down list data from column in another sheet
I believe what people here are looking for is not Vlookup etc but more like dynamic centerally stored lists that can be used in the Dropdown fields rather than having to type them in each time they w…1 ·