Re: Why is DATEONLY() returning the wrong date?
My understanding of this is they are on pacific time as smartsheet is based out of seattle. So the datetime in the background is always going to be pacific time, and is converted to local time for th…7 · -
Re: Index, Match with Find and Left function
=index(collect({O_Type},{O_Type_ID},left(@cell,2) = LEFT([Type For List]@row, 2)),1) * Untested1 · -
Re: COUNTIFS with Not statement
=COUNTIFS({PMO - Active Project List health}, "Green", {PMO - Active Project List Status1}, @cell <> "Closed"1 · -
Re: Extract the first word from a cell
It's a coding/encoding issue. So when you see characters in a digital environment, the environment doesn't typically see the characters themselves, they see an encoded representation of the character…1 · -
Re: Extract the first word from a cell
You can use the one I gave you earlier, just switch the 10 to a 9 =LEFT([Column Test]@row, FIND(" ", substitute([Column Test]@row,CHAR(9)," ")) - 12 ·