Quick way to copy formulas across sheets I found
Problem: I had the need to copy a list of 26 formulas to 56 sheets maintaining the formulas for each sheet. to increase the data collection across the sheets. All sheets have the same column names. S…20 · -
Re: Odd way to emulate excel formula counta()
hi @Genevieve P. Yes, this counts all cells, including blanks1 · -
Re: Sum of Column with Multiple Criteria
=SUMIFS({# of Lives},{Partner},"Bob",{Date},DATE(2022, 11, 1))1 · -
Re: Multiple IF Statements
=if(or(Status@row = "Complete",Status@row = "Abandoned", Status@row = "Reassigned"),1,0)1 · -
Re: If statement that takes a column value and if meets a criteria, subtracts a number
=IF([Apply TCC]@row=1,[Quote before TCC]@row-200,[Quote before TCC]@row) *Lol i had this window open in a different tab since this morning, didn't have that paul already helped sorry1 ·