Re: List of date formula I have used repeatedly
Returns the 3rd friday of the month specified by the date in column A. *can be used to return x weekday of any month by changing the 18 =DATE(YEAR(A@row), MONTH(A@row), 18 + IF(WEEKDAY(DATE(YEAR(A@ro…1 · -
Re: TRIMMEAN in Smartsheet
If you want a smartsheet based z table you can copy mine below: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=d37bad54bb3045c2be5e9f0f78cc0db32 · -
Re: Friday to Friday pull
@Dustin Whitehead Whoops. You're correct, I messed up my signs, my bad. =COUNTIFS({CPM On-Call Form Range 1}, [Primary Column]@row, {CPM On-Call Form Range 3}, and(@cell <= (today() - weekday(toda…1 · -
Re: RAG status formula using TODAY and end date
My bad I got a sign mixed up. =IF(Status@row = "Complete", "Gray", IF(Status@row = "Cancelled", "N/A", IF([End Date]@row >= TODAY(), "Green", IF([…1 · -
Re: Can a sheet summary always reference the same cell when form entries are added?
Yeah index( ,1) is amazing. if you have a moving target, you can use index( ,match()) in combination with a unique value in another row to return it as well.1 ·