Link Local Files
I believe due to the length of this conversation, the amount of recent submissions, and the amount of time it has been since a smartsheet rep has responded to this it needs to be brought up again htt…2 · -
Query Strings - Development
So I've developed several processes that fully rely on query strings for a variety of reasons, and many of my users find it difficult to reverse engineer my sheets to develop similar solutions, even …6 · -
Re: Combining IF(AND and IF(OR statements
=IF(OR([Preferred Date*]1 = "09/02/19", [Preferred Date*]1 = "11/28/19", [Preferred Date*]1 = "11/29/19", [Preferred Date*]1 = "11/30/19", [Preferred Date*]1 =…1 · -
Re: Extract the first word from a cell
You can use the one I gave you earlier, just switch the 10 to a 9 =LEFT([Column Test]@row, FIND(" ", substitute([Column Test]@row,CHAR(9)," ")) - 12 · -
Re: Extract the first word from a cell
ok... i'm at a loss. maybe the others can help you, but i haven't been able to find a good solution. Until then, here is a rather stupid workaround. in an empty cell post something like "A A&quo…1 ·