Re: Return a value using Index/Match having multiple matching criteria
This is not possible the way you have it written. Instead of index(match()match())you can use index(collect(),1) =INDEX(collect({Position Number}, {Job Title}, [Job Title]5,{Department Description}, …1 · -
Re: How do I setup a flag for duplicates?
you can try to wrap it in an iferror(formula,0)1 · -
Re: Adding + 1 Working Day
=[Finish Date (Actual)]@row + if(weekday([Finish Date (Actual)]@row) = 6,3,1)1 · -
Re: How do I split data from Master Schedule?
can you use reports/summary reports for the master sheet?1 · -
Re: Countif when counting cells in other sheet between 2 values
COUNTIFs({Other Sheet Range 2}, >5,{Other Sheet Range 2} <= 10)1 ·