Re: Merging Duplicate Idea Posts
@Genevieve P. Is there a standard protocol for getting ideas merged with all of their votes combined? For example, there are several posts about being able to collapse/expand by levels instead of onl…1 · -
Re: Dynamic dropdowns - Waterfall request
@Olen Ronning This has been a common feature request for Smartsheet since at least 2015 when I first started using Smartsheet. Data Shuttle was Smartsheet's answer to that way back when, but forced a…3 · -
Re: Update Requests (save and update) even if not all complete
YES! The first few times people experience that 10 of their updates aren't saved because they didn't "complete" all 12 requested, they want to stop using Smartsheet and think it's a terribl…4 · -
Re: Hot key for Expand and Collapse Row
I was an active Smartsheet user from 2015-2017 and just started recently using it again. There have been a ton of features added, but it's funny to come back and see stuff like this that still exists…4 · -
Re: Custom Colors for Sheets
It's such a basic thing we take for granted in every other app and has been requested hundreds, if not thousands, of times over the years. If they haven't seen fit to offer a basic color picker yet, …3 ·