Re: Portfolio WorkApps Roles/Assignments not working
Thanks so much @Samuel Mueller! I appreciate your quick response and this is going to be a real problem for us. But I understand it's a limitation now and I'll have to mitigate through process.1 · -
Re: Count weeks in a Cycle
Here's one way to do it: In this example, I have two columns Cycle Start is a Date column with the date of the start of your 12 week cycle. Week In Cycle gives you the number of weeks into the cycle …2 · -
Re: July Question of the Month 💭 Join the conversation and receive a badge!
A simple walk in the woods - batteries charged!1 · -
Re: Auto Fill a row from another row
Try this - In your Account Number (CPR) field, use this formula: =IF([Project Name]@row = "FY23", "123-456-789", IF([Project Name]@row = "FY24", "987-654-321",…1 ·