Re: New Chart in Dashboard - two axis
All, We just released stacked chart type. Please refresh your browser to get the latest version. Thanks Sasan1 · -
Re: Chart Axis Customization
Jim, In order to optimize the chart, the minimum value for the scale is auto-set to nearest rounded number to your lowest value ($800,000). This helps in optimizing your chart widget surface area to …1 · -
Re: Chart Axis Customization
Jim, Completely understood. Sasan1 · -
Re: Chart Axis Customization
All, We just update the charts widget to always include zero (0) in the scale going forward. To include zero on previously created charts, edit the chart, go to either Horizontal/Vertical Axis tab (d…1 · -
Re: The Reoccurring sending of Dashboard Link
Si, Not at this time and on the product feature enhancement list. Thanks for your feedback and vote on this feature. Sasan1 ·