Unable to display column chart and metric widget not showing value.
Hello Everyone, Column chart issue: I am encountering errors while attempting to display the column chart on the dashboard. The error message states, "Unable to display chart." The data sou…1 · -
Re: Calculate Average of Task Progress, per Person
Hi GWOOD02, Please try the follwing formula- =(AVERAGEIF([Assigned To]:[Assigned To], "Joe", Status:Status)) * 100 You just need to change the name in the formula, and it will return the av…1 · -
Re: Using IF/OR statement in a formula
Hi deb_63_hydracor, Please try the below formula- =IF(OR(Status10 = "Call - Scheduled", Status11 = "Call - Scheduled"), "Complete") Image 1 Image 2 Thank you, Shubham Um…1 · -
Re: Add or Subtract a value from a NETDAYS formula
Hi Justin I hope you are doing well, You can use this formula based on your needs. =IFERROR(IF(NETDAYS([Completion Date]@row, [Due Date]@row) >= 1, NETDAYS([Completion Date]@row, [Due Date]@row) -…2 · -
Re: IFERROR for VLookup
Hi Matthew.Poole147 I hope you are doing well According to your requirements you can use this formula & if you will need “0” place of any error use this one =IFERROR(VLOOKUP([UNIT CODE]@row, {CPA…1 ·