Re: Column widths should be lockable
This would be great! Please make it happen!1 · -
Re: Access to All workspaces, sheets, dashboards and reports
This 100%. Give me the ability to view the file structure - not the data. Add the ability to reassign sheets without being shared to the sheet would be great.3 · -
Control Center - Allow Users to Create Programs
As the title states, if we pay for Control Center with unlimited Blueprints I don't understand why I would need to contact Customer Service to get a new program provisioned. This delays our efforts a…1 · -
Generated Documents as Email Attachments
As the topic states, it would be great if we could simply attach our generated documents to an e-mail with a quick message OR remove everything except for the custom message and the link. -----------…9 · -
Unique Values
It would be great if we could easily track unique values between sheets. For example: If I have an intake form with projects and a project ID, I would love to be able to have a seperate sheet for the…3 ·