Re: Formula to extract month name is not working
Hey @deb_63_hydracor, You should be able to input the formula like this: =IFERROR(IF(MONTH([SLA Month]@row) = 1, "January", IF(MONTH([SLA Month]@row) = 2, "February", IF(MONTH([SL…1 · -
Re: Distinct Count IF or Running Count Total
Hey @ConnorForm, I would change the range in the first part of the COUNTIF to as follows: =COUNTIF(Dealer$1:Dealer@row, Dealer@row) This will make it so the count increments only on previously repeat…1 · -
Re: Index | Match: How to Return Specific Value in Blank Cells
Hey @MWilkesen, Ohhh got it! Then maybe try something like this: =IF(OR(ISBLANK([Class of Trade]@row), ISBLANK([GPO Start Date])), "#NO MATCH", IFERROR(INDEX({Index Table | GPO Start}, MATC…1 · -
Hey @shelbylund, I would write it like so: =COUNTIFS([Month Reported:[Month Reported], "May", [Issue Location]:[Issue Location], CONTAINS("Cath/IR", @cell) You'll want to change t…2 · -
Re: Whats the formula to find todays date between a range of dates to provide a value?
Hey @Majduleen, INDEX/COLLECT should provide what you're trying to do: =INDEX(COLLECT([Primary Column]:[Primary Column], [Start Date]:[Start Date], <=TODAY(), [End Date]:[End Date], >=TODAY()),…1 ·